ST0R Press Release South Sudan DX Friends Intrepid DX Group
Juba, Southern Sudan.
The ST0R team continues to work through the pile ups, now passing the 60,000 QSO mark. We are continuing to run five stations and and are trying to get QSOs into the hands of all who need them.
As is the custom and practice of the Intrepid-DX Group, we have invited local youth to visit our operation. Today, we arranged a visit of 25 boys from the Juba Secondary Boy’s Academy. We gave the boys a tour of the ST0R shack and explained to them the various aspects of amateur radio. We allowed them to listen as we made QSOs across the world. We have recorded this visit on the ST0R photos page.
We are just at the half-way mark of the DXpedition and will continue to be active until August 10th, 2011.
Thank you
The ST0R Team