Brazil Soccer Land Award
The Brazilian Amateur Radio league - LABRE, in commemorate the Brazil through its most popular sport in the world and soccer lovers from all over the world, establishing the "Brazil Soccer Land Award". Will be operating 27 actives stations from: June, 1 2014 to July, 30 2014, one in each of the 26 Brazilian States and the Federal District, with 12 key stations with prefix ZX14 and 15 special stations with ZY14 prefix, as follows:
Acre ZY14AC
Alagoas ZY14AL
Amapá ZY14AP
Amazonas ZX14AM
Bahia ZX14BA
Ceará ZX14CE
Distrito Federal ZX14DF
EspÃrito Santo ZY14ES
Goiás ZY14GO
Maranhão ZY14MA
Mato Grosso ZX14MT
Mato Grosso do Sul ZY14MS
Minas Gerais ZX14MG
ParaÃba ZY14PB
Pará ZY14PA
Paraná ZX14PR
Pernambuco ZX14PE
Piauà ZY14PI
Rio de Janeiro ZX14RJ
Rio Grande do Norte ZX14RN
Rio Grande do Sul ZX14RS
Rondonia ZY14RO
Roraima ZY14RR
Santa Catarina ZY14SC
São Paulo ZX14SP
Sergipe ZY14SE
Tocantins ZY14TO
Acre ZY14AC
Alagoas ZY14AL
Amapá ZY14AP
Amazonas ZX14AM
Bahia ZX14BA
Ceará ZX14CE
Distrito Federal ZX14DF
EspÃrito Santo ZY14ES
Goiás ZY14GO
Maranhão ZY14MA
Mato Grosso ZX14MT
Mato Grosso do Sul ZY14MS
Minas Gerais ZX14MG
ParaÃba ZY14PB
Pará ZY14PA
Paraná ZX14PR
Pernambuco ZX14PE
Piauà ZY14PI
Rio de Janeiro ZX14RJ
Rio Grande do Norte ZX14RN
Rio Grande do Sul ZX14RS
Rondonia ZY14RO
Roraima ZY14RR
Santa Catarina ZY14SC
São Paulo ZX14SP
Sergipe ZY14SE
Tocantins ZY14TO