The call HB9SOLAR is to celebrate the first flight of the SOLARIMPULSE airplane on wednesday 07 April 2010.
QSL cards via the Swiss QSL bureau and the Manager HB9ACA are preferred. Direct cards via Manager HB9ACA with SASE and 2GS or 1 IRC.
SOLARIMPULSE around the world in a solar airplane.
Here you can find detailled infos about Bertrand Piccard's project:
Claude Nicollier, HB9CN, Swiss Astronaut and president of the Clin d'Ailes Swiss Air Force Museum Foundation, is the Leader of the Flight Test Operations - within the Flight Dynamics and Test Team.
We will use the call HB9SOLAR during major SOLARIMPULSE avtivities.
The HB4FR "Clin d'Ailes" Swiss Airforce Museum Ham Radio Club.
QSL cards via the Swiss QSL bureau and the Manager HB9ACA are preferred. Direct cards via Manager HB9ACA with SASE and 2GS or 1 IRC.
SOLARIMPULSE around the world in a solar airplane.
Here you can find detailled infos about Bertrand Piccard's project:
Claude Nicollier, HB9CN, Swiss Astronaut and president of the Clin d'Ailes Swiss Air Force Museum Foundation, is the Leader of the Flight Test Operations - within the Flight Dynamics and Test Team.
We will use the call HB9SOLAR during major SOLARIMPULSE avtivities.
The HB4FR "Clin d'Ailes" Swiss Airforce Museum Ham Radio Club.