14 dicembre 2011, 16:43 da IK0ZCW
Susan’s QSL manager, Stan KH6CG has the official word on her progress.
UPDATE: Susan may now push off from KH6 a few days after January 15th. Additionally, NCDXF will sponsor her KH3 activity. Banner already received.
Earlier today Stan spoke with Susan W7KFI whereby she confirmed her permit to access Johnston Atoll has been extended to January / February 2012.
Stan says her plan is to leave Honolulu on (approx) January 15, 2012 arriving KH3 some 5-7 days later, depending on wind. She’ll operate for seven days setting up a tent on the pier, where it will be over land, using a 43ft vertical set into sand.
She has informed the ARRL of this station set up so they are aware for [pending] DXCC approval. Additionally, Susan will take photos and is expecting an Elecraft banner to be sent to her soon via the company; Susan will use a K3 on CW/SSB mainly.
In short, according to Susan, she should be QRV from about January 21st, and if there is a delay for any reason she can operate through February.
IK0ZCW Alberto Devitofrancesco Presidente C.I.S.A.R. sezione di Roma IQ0HB
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