E51BKV FK/F4BKV Pacific IOTA trip
E51BKV from Mangaia island OC-159 - February 10 to 15, 2012.
E51BKV from Rarotonga island OC-013 (short activity during transit to Mangaia) - February 9 and February 16, 2012.
FK/F4BKV from Ouvea island OC-033 - February 18 to 25, 2012.
FK/F4BKV from Noumea, OC-032 (short activity also during transit) - February 26th 2012.
HL2/F4BKV briefly active from Seoul on February 27, 2012 as Vincent makes his way home.
Equipment will be an Elecraft K3, 500w amplifier, monoband VDA (vertical dipoles array) for 17/15/12/10m and monoband verticals for 40/30/20m using SSB and Digital (RTTY/PSK31) modes only.
QSL via homecall and LoTW.
More info on http://www.f4bkv.net