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CL prefix Cuba

MessaggioInviato: 17 gennaio 2012, 19:01
Cuban radio amateur service regulations have been modified to provide the use of segments of the 80 and 40m ham bands to the third class operators license holders, that before this new rules could only operate on segments of the 160 and 2 m band. The news was much welcomed by more than two thousand operators who hold a CL prefix callsign – the first step in a Cuban radio amateur career.

The CL prefix holders do not need to pass a CW Morse Code radiotelegraphy test, but they do have to take a 5 words per minute receiving and transmitting test in order to upgrade towards a second class operators certificate that opens the way to obtain a CM prefix callsign, that provides access to many more operating privileges..

So, it you start hearing stations from 7100 to 7125Khz using a CL prefix, be aware that they are a new generation of Cuban radio amateurs that for the first time ever are having access to working DX on 40 meters. The segment assigned to the CL stations on 80m is from 3550 to 3750Khz, but very probably you will hear them much more often on 40m.

The maximum power allowed to CL prefix stations, the Cuban beginners license, has been set at 10W, CW/SSB.