Hi all.
I am Pri, YB0ECT and want to inform you that we are ready to use YB8Y for the IOTA DXpedition to Ohoiew Island, Kei Kecil Islands Maluku Tenggara (OC-221).
We will fly to the island on March 19 and plan to be on air all HF bands from 160m to 6m, SSB CW and RTTY until March 26, 2012.
The team is:
YB0AKM , YB0AZ , YB0JS , YB0ECT , YB0KVN , YB0BUI , YC0LOW , YC0TSU , YB0YJ , YD1JZ , YD1XUH , YB1CCF , YB1GJS , YB1PR , YB9YZ , YB9WR , YB9VBS , YB9VA , YB1MH , YD1GCL , YD1MRI , YD1ORZ , YB8XM and crews : YB8VM , YC0VKI , YC0LLY , YC0KVM , YD1LUX and our Guest Opr: WK1S / JA1PBV
We plan to participate in the CQ WW WPX SSB as Multi Two.
QSL for YB8Y via YB1GJS – Direct or QSL Buro.
YB8Y website: