Craig, K9CT and Joe, W8GEX are happy to report that preparations for the NH8S Swains Island DXpedition are on schedule. The 20 man international team should be on the island from September 4, thru September 17. Swains is # 31 most wanted worldwide. They will operate all bands with SSB, CW and RTTY.
A big thank you goes to John, N7CQQ and Paul, W8AEF for their time in building and testing the SVDA’s that will be used. Thanks also to Paul, W6XA, and Tom, N4XP, for testing the radios, amps and laptops. All of the equipment has been shipped to Arnie, N6HC in California for the upcoming departure via cargo ship later this week. The QSLing will be handled by Joe, AA4NN, with help from his XYL Margarett. Plans are to upload logs daily by satellite phone from the island to ClubLog.
We are very grateful to our equipment sponsors, including: ICOM, Elecraft, Vibroplex, Innovantennas, DX Engineering, Heil Sound, Primus, Hi-Z Antennas, and The RF Connection. Also to Kimo, KH7U for the 160m vertical, and George, W8UVZ for the Battle Creek Special.
We have updated our website with pictures, operating information and links. Thanks to John, K6MM for doing the webmaster duties.
There will be a great emphasis placed in working Europe where Swains is most needed. We will have several receiving antennas aimed that direction.
It will be very hot and humid, and mosquitoes should be plentiful, so please have patience with the operators. We ask that you listen to the operator instructions to ensure we are able to work as many stations as possible.
This tent and generator operation is a very expensive endeavor, and the group is most grateful for the foundations, clubs and individuals who have already contributed. For those that would like to donate, you may do so from our website:
The skilled international crew that is looking forward to working you includes: 9V1FJ , AA4NN , DJ2VO , DL3DXX , K5AB , K9CS , K9CT , K9NW , KB8OCP , N2TU , N4HH , N6HC , NA6M , ND2T , SM5AQD , W4BUW , W6KK , W8GEX , W8TN and WB9Z