XZ1K Myanmar
Amateur radio operation from XZ land, by Simon Luttrell HS0ZIB
This is NOT a DXpedition station, but a (hopefully) permanent station that is operated by HS0ZIB , who works in Myanmar as a volunteer for provision of educational and humanitarian aid. (please visit my charity web-site at http://www.myanmarteachers.org)
For full details of my tentative band plan and schedule, and how you can receive a commemorative QSL for your amateur radio QSO or your SWL report, please visit my web-site at http://www.xz1k.org
My original plan was to try for a DXpedition, and I spent about 9 months in fruitless correspondence with the Myanmar authorities from my base in south Thailand, close to the Myanmar border.
Then I considered a longer-term plan to actually construct a small hotel and amateur radio room in south Myanmar. (That plan is still 100% on the table, but it’s a longer-term project)
Finally, I started travelling to Myanmar every week, in my quest for this authorisation. Those trips also opened up my eyes to the educational and humanitarian needs of the people of Myanmar. In agreement with my wife, I decided to split my time between Thailand and Myanmar, travelling to and fro each week and working in Myanmar as a volunteer English and Thai language teacher at the local primary schools.
My presence in Myanmar also helped me to make some new contacts and to enquire again about getting authorisation to operate a ‘low-key’ ham station from the country. That authorisation was then surprisingly easy to obtain, with the callsign of XZ1K (K stands for Kawthaung which is the town where I am located). But the emphasis by the authorities was on this ‘low-key’ stle of operation, with no team of operators, no large antennas, no high power etc. Hopefully, it will be possible in the future to expand my han operations in Myanmar.
So the status right now is that I’ve set up a dedicated web-site at http://www.xz1k.org which details my operating plans and QSL route.
My web-page on QRZ.com is just awaiting mods approval…
Initially, I mentioned in previous posts that operation would only be made using PSK31, however it is very likely that I will commence using SSB and then also operate in PSK31 mode (not at the same time…)
Operation will initially be made only on 10 meters (SSB only), 20 meters (SSB and PSK), possibly 40 meters (SSB and PSK). I currently have no 6 meter equipment and need to build some wire antennas for the low bands. CW operation may follow when my morse rate is adequate!
Operation has to fit in with my volunteer work and regular trips to/from Thailand
I will attempt to upload all QSOs to my online log in near real-time (I am near enough to Thailand to receive their mobile phone networks)
I will not use LOTW or eQSL or any bureau. Verification of logged QSOs and for SWL reports will only be made via OQRS.
I will use Paypal and/or credit/debit card online payment to cover postage costs and a small, optional donation towards my social enterprise in Myanmar – see http://www.myanmarteachers.org. You do not need a Paypal account to use the OQRS, but you need a credit/debit card. If you do not have this, then please ask a friend to make the payment for you. I also appreciate any direct donations made via MyanmarTeachers.org
QSL cards will be printed in due course, and will indicate whether it is for a confirmed QSO or for a SWL report. Please do not worry if there is a delay in receiving your QSL card – I need to get these printed and then mailed out from Thailand.
Please do not treat this like a DXpedition! I intend to work in Myanmar as long as I can, and so you have time to try for a QSO.
I will usually operate in split mode, typically up 5. Please respect the DX Code of Good Conduct.
Please keep your QSOs with me short – give others a chance to make a contact
I hope to do some initial operations within the next few days – best of luck to all for a QSO (but absolutely do not worry if you cannot hear my signal – I will get to know my new QTH and experiment to find the best set-up/antennas for getting my signal out). I’m sure my signals will be flakey to start with.