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ET3AA Ethiopia

MessaggioInviato: 1 novembre 2012, 10:05
ET3AA – Ethiopian Amateur Radio Club Announcement


In celebration of our dear mentor’s passing, Sidney May ( ET3SID ), our club aim to make 10,000 QSOs and will end activity once that target has been achieved.

In March 2012, Sid was instrumental in having the ET3AA – Ethiopian Amateur Radio Club set-up as a formal organization. With the students receiving US Ham Radio Call-Signs and four students becoming ARRL VE’s, this allowed the ET3AA call sign to be transferred from Sid May’s name to the club, therefore allowing the club to continue using the ET3AA call sign. The club is officially re-opened.

David Collingham ( K3LP ), working with the Ethiopian Amateur Radio Club, will prepare a color QSL card with our club input and will pay for the cost for printing the QSL cards. Bob Schenck (N2OO) has agreed to be our QSL Manager for this event. Please do not send prior QSL requests to Bob since he does not have the ET3SID or ET3AA logs except for the brief K3LP visits in August 3-5, 2011 and December 8-13, 2011. We are in the process of setting up a new PO Box for the club and will add the new address information to our website once available.

Please the use the DX Code of Conduct. Please be kind and work with our students as we learn and improve radio operating skills.


ET3AAA – Ethiopian Amateur Radio Club
Dagmawit Solomon
