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Plans to activate Sikaiana Atoll OC-285

MessaggioInviato: 15 gennaio 2013, 18:39
5W0W Ralph is going to activate OC-285. Is looking for 2-3 ops. 1 op must be CW POC or NR6M

NB: This island group has never been activated.

Re: Plans to activate Sikaiana Atoll OC-285

MessaggioInviato: 22 gennaio 2013, 19:44
UPDATE: Ralph H44RK / 5W0W provides more info on the planned OC-285 Stewart island (Sikaiana Atoll) expedition:

The plan is to get the boat ready for the trip starting mid April 2013 with a planned departure from Liapari (western province of SI) around mid May.

From there I will be sailing through the various provinces of the SI and spending 2-4 days in each of the OC’s along the way until we reach Honiara. Hakskip has a double berth and a single berth available, so a maximum of three additional crew can be taken on board at any given leg of the trip.

From Honiara, the plan is then to get selected crew/operators on board who are wanting to participate in the OC-285 activation. Operators can discuss joining us from Liapari, or just for the OC-285 activation.

Due to the nature of Stewart Island, it will not be possible for me to participate in the activation, rather, my involvement for this will only to be to drop off the operators who would be ferried over to the Atoll ( no suitale anchorage )

After a set period, determined by the operators, I will pick them up and return them either to Honiara or the closest port for their further travels. Each operator will fund themselves and contribute to all expenses equally to the voyage. Individual ops will be responsible for their own equipement, flights in and out, visas, travel insurance.etc Shared expenses will be items such as food, fuel, permits and other sundries.yet to be confirmed and calculated and dependant on trip duration.

All QSL activities will be managed by Rex NR6M with each operator having their own personal callsign.

I would also like to ask each operator to make a contribution to purchasing solar lighting kits for the village on Stewart Is. Factors like wind and weather conditions will determine the route for the trip. It would be too much of a zig-zag to do them all, but I think most can be achieved, depending on time frame given.

Please feel free to make suggestions or register your interest at ralph.honiara[at]