Special call activation on 23cm EME thursday 17 jan 19.30utc
I inform you that on thursday 17th january, starting from 19.30ut to abt 22ut ARI
Versilia radio club
will activate the station of Alessandro IK5EHI with the call II5ISS as part of their "ISS
Award" program.
A special QSL will be issued for every contact.They will call 1296.060 JT65C, possibly
CW but not sure yet.
They will be on the HB9Q logger
I inform you that on thursday 17th january, starting from 19.30ut to abt 22ut ARI
Versilia radio club
will activate the station of Alessandro IK5EHI with the call II5ISS as part of their "ISS
Award" program.
A special QSL will be issued for every contact.They will call 1296.060 JT65C, possibly
CW but not sure yet.
They will be on the HB9Q logger