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YE8P YB8P Banggai OC-208 Togian OC-213

MessaggioInviato: 30 aprile 2013, 13:56
Following on from this info, it’s been confirmed that John, YB5NOF and Anton, YB5QZ will be active from the following islands:

OC-208 Banggai Island as YE8P from May 16th to 19th

OC-213 Togian Island as YB8P from May 22nd to 26th.

Furthermore, DX World has learned that John may visit and activate the rare Natuna Selatan OC-109 in June or July.

Re: YE8P YB8P Banggai OC-208 Togian OC-213

MessaggioInviato: 17 maggio 2013, 9:43
UPDATE: Unfortunately, the planned activity from OC-213 Togian has been cancelled.