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FK/F5IRO New Caledonia OC-033

MessaggioInviato: 17 ottobre 2013, 11:47
F5IRO will be QRV from Pulm, New Caledonia, between Nov. 2013 and Feb. 2014 as FK/F5IRO. He’ll operate from 10 to 80m (WARC included) with K3 bare foot, home made dipoles and long wire antennas. Modes mainly CW and some PSK.

Probably he’ll particpate to the CQWW CW Contest with a special TX call

QSL via F5IRO french bureau (REF) or direct. Infos on his page.

The log will be uploaded on Clublog and Lotw in March 2014. Further infos and photos on his personal blog
