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HF1MTGB International Tournament Goal Ball

MessaggioInviato: 28 marzo 2014, 19:43
Club SP9PBH held from 27/03/2014 to 31/03/2014 will be worked under the occasional HF1MTGB Station meringue worked on the occasion of the International Tournament Goal Ball. International Goalball Tournament in -28-30.03.2014 Dabrowa Gornicza!!! On 28-30.03.2014 in Dabrowa Gornicza in SOSzW Street. Swobodna 59 will be held on International Goal ball Tournament. The competition will part of the team of Polish and several European countries. The tournament will face a section of Goalball athletes under the age of 22 years. The organizer is WSSiRN START Katowice.
