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Northern California DX Foundation – NEWS

MessaggioInviato: 15 aprile 2014, 16:00
The Northern California DX Foundation (NCDXF) sent out the following Press Release on April 7th:

The following officers were elected at the annual board meeting of the NCDXF in Visalia, California, on April 5, 2014.

President, Tom Berson, ND2T
Vice President, Glenn Johnson, W0GJ
Secretary, Kip Edwards, W6SZN
Treasurer, Don Greenbaum, N1DG
Directors: Steve Merchant, K6AW
John Miller, K6MM
Glenn Rattmann, K6NA
Ned Stearns, AA7A
Glenn Vinson, W6OTC

In the past year we were saddened with the loss of three previous directors of NCDXF: Lee Shaklee/W6BH, Jack Troster/W6ISQ, (both founders of NCDXF) & Bruce Butler/W6OSP.

Rusty Epps/W6OAT and Ken Anderson/K6TA retired from the board this year and were thanked for their many years of service.

Our scholarship funds will be directed toward supporting new DXers (age 25 or less) at CT University sessions over the next two years.

Over the last year NCDXF provided approximately $99,000 to support DXpeditions to the rare and most difficult entities.

At the International DX Convention banquet, we were presented a generous check of $12,000 from the Southern California DX Club.

The board is grateful for the generous contributions from the DX community, without such support, DXpeditions to the Most Wanted and hard to get to entities would not happen. Have you donated yet? You can make your contribution on the website:

Glenn Johnson, W0GJ
Vice President