SN0MPL Special event station - X Malopolski Piknik Lotniczy
Special event call SN0MPL of Cracow Radio Expedition Group for the Ma?opolski Piknik Lotniczy - Kraków on 28 and 29.06.2014. Malopolska Air Picnic is the biggest air show in the southern part of Poland. The event takes place on Polish Aviation Museum area in Krakow (John Paul II Avenue 39) located on Rakowice – Czyzyny aerodrome, one of the oldest historical aerodromes in Europe, the first aero planes starting place in reborn Republic of Poland since 1918 year.
History of this place has over 100 years, dating own first days in annexed polish territory by Austrian - there was military observations balloons starting place for Krakow fortress in next years transformed into first aero planes aerodrome. In 1930s on the Rakowice Airport took place air shows, gather every year thousands people of audience. Tradition of air shows was continuing in 1950s, after WWII. Since 10 years according return into tradition, Polish Aviation Museum in Krakow organize there special air event, which increase own popularity year by year.
History of this place has over 100 years, dating own first days in annexed polish territory by Austrian - there was military observations balloons starting place for Krakow fortress in next years transformed into first aero planes aerodrome. In 1930s on the Rakowice Airport took place air shows, gather every year thousands people of audience. Tradition of air shows was continuing in 1950s, after WWII. Since 10 years according return into tradition, Polish Aviation Museum in Krakow organize there special air event, which increase own popularity year by year.