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R120AM 120th Anniversary Of The Birth Of Alexander Mintz

MessaggioInviato: 4 gennaio 2015, 10:54
8 January 2014 we celebrate the 120th anniversary of the birth of Alexander Mintz with a special call R120AM. He was a famous scientist in the world, organizer and leader of the work in the field of high-power broadcasting, the creator of the largest sites of radio. Under his leadership created the largest radio stations of the Soviet Union. 500 kW medium wave radio (1933), 150 kW (1937) and 120 kW shortwave (1938), 1200 kW (1943). They were the largest in the world of broadcasting stations. Under his leadership, for scientific purposes were created synchrocyclotron 680 MeV (1949), 10 GeV proton synchrotron (1957), 7 GeV proton synchrotron (1963), a proton accelerator at 76 GeV (1967) for the study of high-energy physics. Alexander Mintz great scientist, the founder of defensive radar early warning system for of space reconnaissance and missile attack early warning. Throughout his life, Alexander Mintz brought a great contribution to the development of radio. He did a lot for radio amateurs in the country. He has written more than 250 scientific papers, books, and has many inventions. Alexander Mintz was awarded many state awards. His experience, knowledge, scientific works are widely known and used in the radio engineers around the world.


Re: R120AM 120th Anniversary Of The Birth Of Alexander Mintz

MessaggioInviato: 23 gennaio 2015, 22:51
Members of the club station RU3AWH honour the 120th birthday of Alexander L. Mintz, a renowned high-power broadcasting scientist, with the call R120AM. QRV until February 27. QSL via RU3AWH.