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MessaggioInviato: 27 marzo 2015, 21:19
Presented annually, the Cass Award honours the wisdom and spirit of Cass WA6AUD (SK) and encourages DXpeditions to maximize the number of DXers worked with a $1000 prize for the Single-Operator DXpedition that works the most unique callsigns over a two-week interval.
The 2014 Cass Award has been won by Nigel Cawthorne, G3TXF: "While QRV from the island of Tristan da Cunha as ZD9XF in September 2014, Nigel G3TXF worked 9314 unique stations during the first 14 days of his one-man
DXpedition, demonstrating an outstanding effort to log as many DXers as possible and setting a new Single-Operator Cass Award record". Club Log founder Michael Wells, G7VJR presented Nigel with his plaque and prize at the CDXC Annual Dinner is on 21 March. If you are interested in competing for - or contributing to - the 2015 Cass Award, please visit [TNX AA6YQ]