HF77TG Special Event Station SP5PPK CLUB
May 18, 2015 year marks 77 years since the historic flight gen. Tadeusz Góra from Gliding Bezmiechowa to Solneczniki Ma?e in Lithuania. The flight took place on the glider PWS - 101 called "Shark " . The length of the flight was 577,8km. For this flight, January 7, 1939 year, gen. Tadeusz Góra was awarded the prestigious Medal of Lilienthal . It is worth mentioning that the first glider pilot in history to be awarded with this medal was gen. Tadeusz Góra. On the occasion of 77 anniversary of this flight, we decided to organize a radiostation, callsign HF77TG. The radiostation will operate on all HF bands from 11 to 23 May 2015 year. Welcome to the communications, SP5PPK Club, 73! QSL manager: SP5PPK, cards OK via the bureau 37. QSL manager mail to : sq5jd@wp.pl - http://www.sp5ppk.waw.pl