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GB4OO Spalding DARS 50th Year Celebration

MessaggioInviato: 7 giugno 2015, 17:06
Special call GB4OO for the month of June 2015 to celebrate 50 years of the Spalding & District Amateur Radio Society. Formed in 1965 and located in the middle of an area known as the Fens, Spalding is a small market town aprox 100 miles North of London. The club was formed by the late Dennis Hoult G4OO, Sam Whitley G3XBS and surviving member Roy Harrison G3VPR, the club is fortunate to have use of Dennis call, which we frequently use for special events, and as atribute to him will use it extensively throughout 2015. GB4OO will be on all the HF bands using CW and SSB, and also time and operators permitting some V/UHF, some of the operators will be new to operating a special event call so we will at times operate a relaxed style, we will try to work as many calls as possible.