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MessaggioInviato: 18 luglio 2015, 9:22
On 2 July 2015, voting was completed on the admission of Association Burundaise des Amateurs Radio et Television (ABART) to IARU membership. With 51 affirmative votes required for approval, there were 67
votes in favour of and no votes in opposition to Proposal No. 253, which is therefore adopted.
IARU Region 1 has also requested that the International Secretariat resubmit a proposal for the admission of Shoqata e Radio Amatoreve te Kosoves (SHRAK). Two votes in favour of SHRAK being admitted to the IARU
were received shortly after the voting deadline. Those two votes, if received before the deadline, would have been sufficient to have the proposal adopted. Region 1 and the International Secretariat have determined under the circumstances that submitting the proposal for a vote of the Member-Societies a second time is appropriate (Proposal No. 254). The closing date for receipt by the International Secretariat of votes is 9 December 2015. Details can be found at