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24 April - 1 May 2008 USTICA Island

MessaggioInviato: 3 aprile 2008, 21:56


Ustica (38° 43′ 0″ N, 13° 11′ 0″ E) is the name of a small volcanic island, situated 52 km north of Palermo, Sicily - Italy, in the Tyrrhenian Sea - It is characterized by reduced sources of water, and the vegetation is consequently scarce. It is a famous marine protected area, with population about 1,200 inhabitants.


The team will be composed by IZØEHO Andrea (CW/SSB), IZØFKE Vincenzo (DIGITAL/SSB), IZØFMA Alberto (DIGITAL/SSB) IZØGKX Claudio (DIGITAL. The guys will be active on HF/50MHz all mode - Operators will focus their attention to low and warc bands (especially 80 and 160m). Also a 50MHz beacon will be on air as IE9N/B (Check out Updates section for more details).


50,160 - 28,460 - 24,960 - 21,260 - 14,260 -
10,060 - 7,060 3,760 -


ICOM rigs, Antennas: Monoband 1/4 wave verticals - Full size loops, Amplifier solid state 500w, HeilSound microphones, homemade digital interfaces, Laptop Pcs - HTC & Nokia PDAs, HSDA Fixed Link 7.2Mb
Internet Access