30 giugno 2023, 17:27 da IK0ZCW
"In the first half of 2024, Gil 4F2KWT (previously DX0NE, Spratly) is looking at the possibility of an exploration trip to Bajo de Masinloc, Scarborough Shoal. This initial trip will be a solo effort. Plans
are for two radios, two laptops and an amplifier. The Radio In a Box (RiB) concept is being considered. To make this DXpedition a reality, support and sponsorship is sought":
https://www.dx-world.net/dx0nes-scarborough-shoal/ has more information.
IK0ZCW Alberto Devitofrancesco Presidente C.I.S.A.R. sezione di Roma IQ0HB
https://www.cisarroma.it - https://www.ik0zcw.it - https://www.qrz.com/db/ik0zcwCISAR SVXLINK NAZIONALE per info: https://svxlink.cisar.it/SvxLink by SM0SVX rete RedNet per informazioni: http://iw0.red