Inviato: 28 giugno 2024, 16:41
"Due to unexpected circumstances, Mike, W0VTT has had to drop off of the 3D2Z on-island team. In our continued efforts to bring more 'Next Generation' amateur radio operators into DXpeditioning, the 3D2Z team is pleased to announce that our new 6th member replacing Mike is Lukas Bartkus, LY7J, a 22-year young ham from Lithuania. He joins Connor, KD9LSV and Jamie, M0SDV as our 3rd young ham making this a multi-national 'Next Generation' DXpedition. Meanwhile, Mike will remain a valued member of our off-island DXpedition team serving as one of the remote operators of the two NexGenRiBs which will be accompanying the DXpedition. Funding efforts continue for the November DXpedition: https://rotuma2024.com".