AU2K Kanika Island AS-179 2-7/12/2024
Cezar VE3LYC (VU3LPL), Sarath VU2RS, Adi VU3WEW and Anil VU3DXA will be active as AU2K from Kanika Island (AS-179, new one for IOTA) between 2 and 7 December. "Regretfully, Frank (DL4KQ), who planned and worked on this project with us, will be unable to join the team due to family and work-related issues". The team will set up two radio stations, and attempt to operate SSB, CW and digital modes around the clock on all bands from 40 to 10 metres. Once the operation is on its way, the team will consider the possibility of setting up a third station. "We seek financial support from those who are able and willing to help us defray some of the large costs required by this project" - see for more information. QSL via Club Log's OQRS (direct and bureau), or direct to VE3LYC. [TNX VE3LYC]