KH0/KI7FXL Mariana Islands OC-086
Inviato: 13 ottobre 2024, 15:51
Hi all, this page is for my remote operations in the beautiful Mariana Islands (KHØ-land).
I am operating battery-portable here, typically at the various POTA entities (MP-####). I'm only on the air sporadically when I have free time. I have other responsibilities that take priority, unfortunately.
In KHØ from mid-October to mid-November 2024.
I'll post dates/times/bands/modes I plan to be on the air here when I can.
Current rig is a Yaesu FT-891 (100W) with field-deployable vertical antennas and a 12Ah Bioenno battery. I can work 40m - 6m fairly reliably but the lower bands I have less luck with.
I am operating battery-portable here, typically at the various POTA entities (MP-####). I'm only on the air sporadically when I have free time. I have other responsibilities that take priority, unfortunately.
In KHØ from mid-October to mid-November 2024.
I'll post dates/times/bands/modes I plan to be on the air here when I can.
Current rig is a Yaesu FT-891 (100W) with field-deployable vertical antennas and a 12Ah Bioenno battery. I can work 40m - 6m fairly reliably but the lower bands I have less luck with.