VI100SIG Australia
Celebrating 100 Years of the Royal Australian Corps of Signals 1925 to 2025.
In 2025, the Royal Australian Corps of Signls (RASigs) will recognise its centenary year with a series of events and activities to commemorate and celebrate 100 years of the (Royal) Australian Corps of Signals, which reflects on our past, present, and future.
From the 14th February 2025 special event station VI100SIG will be activated for all modes of communications including CW, SSB and Digital. It is hoped that we may become involved in the annual HF communications exercise facilitated by the Candian Signals Branch called Noble Skywave (
If you are a currently serving or Ex-serving member of the RASigs community and wish to be involved with the activation of VI100SIG, please contact Steve VK4FI or Rob VK2COS to register your interest.
For more information on the events please visit the VI100SIG page on QRZ.Com.

In 2025, the Royal Australian Corps of Signls (RASigs) will recognise its centenary year with a series of events and activities to commemorate and celebrate 100 years of the (Royal) Australian Corps of Signals, which reflects on our past, present, and future.
From the 14th February 2025 special event station VI100SIG will be activated for all modes of communications including CW, SSB and Digital. It is hoped that we may become involved in the annual HF communications exercise facilitated by the Candian Signals Branch called Noble Skywave (
If you are a currently serving or Ex-serving member of the RASigs community and wish to be involved with the activation of VI100SIG, please contact Steve VK4FI or Rob VK2COS to register your interest.
For more information on the events please visit the VI100SIG page on QRZ.Com.