D4DCX Cape Verde
Call sign was issued on Feb, 6th 2025 and is valid for 6 months
I am planning a QRP operation Feb, 10th - 15th 2025
Modes: FT4, FT8, CW
Yaesu FT-818 / AlexLoop portable magnetic loop / short vertical with coil and elevated radials for beachside operation
QSO's will be uploaded to LoTW and ClubLog
Bureau cards will be printed and send out a few months after the end of the operation. Please use Club Log OQRS to request bureau cards. Avoid sending cards to the DARC QSL bureau. I do not collect paper QSL's any longer.
73, Ed
I am planning a QRP operation Feb, 10th - 15th 2025
Modes: FT4, FT8, CW
Yaesu FT-818 / AlexLoop portable magnetic loop / short vertical with coil and elevated radials for beachside operation
QSO's will be uploaded to LoTW and ClubLog
Bureau cards will be printed and send out a few months after the end of the operation. Please use Club Log OQRS to request bureau cards. Avoid sending cards to the DARC QSL bureau. I do not collect paper QSL's any longer.
73, Ed