Honour Roll 2025

Published: 18 February 2025
The Honour Roll is a list of the call-signs of stations with a checked score equalling or exceeding 50% of the total of numbered IOTA groups, excluding those with provisional numbers, at the time of preparation.
Listing in the 2025 tables was restricted to those participants who had updated their scores since February 2020. IOTA rules limit inclusion in the listings to those participants who have updated their scores at least once in the preceding five years and have opted to have their scores published.
All participants should be reminded that the final decision on acceptance of credits is made by IOTA Management and that this can mean downward adjustments to scores at any time to reflect corrections of one sort or another. Data-cleansing work is on-going and covers every participant's complete record, not just the latest credits added. Although efforts are made to alert participants to score changes, this cannot be guaranteed to happen in each case.
Remember, the line of communication is via your checkpoint, so PLEASE do not route queries direct to IOTA Management. Always check first to see if the answer is in a recent IOTA Directory (online edition).
The Honour Roll is a list of the call-signs of stations with a checked score equalling or exceeding 50% of the total of numbered IOTA groups, excluding those with provisional numbers, at the time of preparation.
Listing in the 2025 tables was restricted to those participants who had updated their scores since February 2020. IOTA rules limit inclusion in the listings to those participants who have updated their scores at least once in the preceding five years and have opted to have their scores published.
All participants should be reminded that the final decision on acceptance of credits is made by IOTA Management and that this can mean downward adjustments to scores at any time to reflect corrections of one sort or another. Data-cleansing work is on-going and covers every participant's complete record, not just the latest credits added. Although efforts are made to alert participants to score changes, this cannot be guaranteed to happen in each case.
Remember, the line of communication is via your checkpoint, so PLEASE do not route queries direct to IOTA Management. Always check first to see if the answer is in a recent IOTA Directory (online edition).