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IDXC 2025

MessaggioInviato: 19 dicembre 2024, 17:24
Announcing the Next Generation DXing Program at IDXC 2025.
By N6PSE, Paul Ewing and AA7A Ned Stearns, Co-Chairs, IDXC 2025.

Traditional DXpedition methods are being challenged by rising costs, prohibitive environmental
constraints and growing restrictions on transportation services. As a result, many DXCC entities
that perpetually sit at the top of the DXCC Most Wanted list will retain their position at the top of
the list, denying access to DXCC Honor Roll for many until forward-thinking teams develop some
novel solutions to address some tough problems.
Speakers/panelists will include George Wallner (AA7JV), Bart Janke (W9JJ), Don Greenbaum
(N1DG), Gerry Hull (W1VE), Bill Fehring (W9KKN), Gregg Marco (W6IZT), Ned Stearns (AA7A),
Glenn Johnson (W0GJ) and possibly others. The following topics will be the focus of a series of 45-
minute panel discussions that will be completely open to audience participation:
Watch for details on the IDXC website in the coming months. Consider attending this first-of-its
kind event that will introduce you to the next generation of DXpedition and distributed/flexible
contest station designs.