
The HamConBE 2025 Conference is the Belgium’s premier forum for engineers, scientists, radio amateurs, researchers, and students to exchange ideas on advancements in radio technology and beyond. Admission to the Conference is free, but registration is mandatory.
Where: KU Leuven, Campus Arenberg III "Quadrivium" Celestijnenlaan 200, 3001 Leuven
When: Saturday 26th of April 2025
All details here: https://hamcon.be/
Amateur Radio (non-technical)
- 20 years of Digital voice (NL) (Patrick, ON4PN)
- Radiosports: the competitive side of ham radio (Franki, ON5ZO)
- Ham radio as a tool: promoting amateur radio in the science and hacker/maker communities (Kristoff, ON1ARF)
Radio-Technology (technical)
- Mains pollution by electronics-generated harmonics, consequences and mitigation (Thierry, ON5TE)
- The issues with SDR (Morgan, ON4MOD)
- Tracking of the Asian hornets with BLE and SDR (Gilles Callebaut/Jan Van Moer, KU Leuven Campus Gent / Van Moer Consultancy)
- Meshtastic (Thijs (@GUVWAF), Meshtastic Project)
Radiotechnology in science and space
- Ham radio beacons aboard pocket-qube satellites for investigating sporadic E in the ionosphere (Jurgen Vanhamel, ON5ADL, TU Delft / KU Leuven)
- Radioastronomy: An Introduction (Bernard, ON4CGX)
- Introduction to Weather Radar: principles, challenges and applications (Maarten Reyniers, KMI)
Building a TinyGS Station (Jeffrey Roe, EI7IRB)

Where: KU Leuven, Campus Arenberg III "Quadrivium" Celestijnenlaan 200, 3001 Leuven
When: Saturday 26th of April 2025
All details here: https://hamcon.be/
Amateur Radio (non-technical)
- 20 years of Digital voice (NL) (Patrick, ON4PN)
- Radiosports: the competitive side of ham radio (Franki, ON5ZO)
- Ham radio as a tool: promoting amateur radio in the science and hacker/maker communities (Kristoff, ON1ARF)
Radio-Technology (technical)
- Mains pollution by electronics-generated harmonics, consequences and mitigation (Thierry, ON5TE)
- The issues with SDR (Morgan, ON4MOD)
- Tracking of the Asian hornets with BLE and SDR (Gilles Callebaut/Jan Van Moer, KU Leuven Campus Gent / Van Moer Consultancy)
- Meshtastic (Thijs (@GUVWAF), Meshtastic Project)
Radiotechnology in science and space
- Ham radio beacons aboard pocket-qube satellites for investigating sporadic E in the ionosphere (Jurgen Vanhamel, ON5ADL, TU Delft / KU Leuven)
- Radioastronomy: An Introduction (Bernard, ON4CGX)
- Introduction to Weather Radar: principles, challenges and applications (Maarten Reyniers, KMI)
Building a TinyGS Station (Jeffrey Roe, EI7IRB)