GMDX Convention 2016
Inviato: 23 gennaio 2016, 22:51
The GMDX Committee is pleased to announce that the 2016 GMDX convention will be held at the King Robert Hotel, Whins of Milton, Stirling, Scotland on Saturday, 9th April starting at 13.00. This convention is always well attended by both UK based and overseas DXers, so book early to avoid disappointment. You can book here
Provisional Programme
Contest DXpedition Corner
TI5W Costa Rica by Mark M0DXR
HR2J Honduras by John G4IRN
PJ6A Saba by Rob GM3YTS
YOTA Report Adam MM0KFX
S79C Coetivy Island by David EI9FBB
TI9/3Z9DX Cocos Island by Dom 3Z9DX
P5/3Z9DX North Korea by Dom 3Z9DX
DX Dinner
Hotel Bar
Card Checking available for DXCC, WAZ, WAS, IOSA and RSGB awards.
Provisional Programme
Contest DXpedition Corner
TI5W Costa Rica by Mark M0DXR
HR2J Honduras by John G4IRN
PJ6A Saba by Rob GM3YTS
YOTA Report Adam MM0KFX
S79C Coetivy Island by David EI9FBB
TI9/3Z9DX Cocos Island by Dom 3Z9DX
P5/3Z9DX North Korea by Dom 3Z9DX
DX Dinner
Hotel Bar
Card Checking available for DXCC, WAZ, WAS, IOSA and RSGB awards.