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Argentine radio amateurs respond to flooding emergency

MessaggioInviato: 6 aprile 2013, 6:08
Written by G0DUB
Friday, 05 April 2013 21:20

Jorge, LU1AS reports that the Amateur Radio Emergency Service of Argentina are operating following heavy flooding in the cities of Buenos Aires and La Plata. The frequencies that are being used on 40 meters are 7070 and 7120, in addition to VHF and UHF repeaters kept on alert for the radio club La Plata, LU8DZE.

The flooding rains have been very strong in the city of Buenos Aires and surrounding areas, and in the city of La Plata, which is the capital of the Province of Buenos Aires, located 60 kilometers south of the City of Buenos Aires. So far 57 people have died, 51 of them in La Plata.

The assistance of the amateur community in keeping clear of any emergency traffic would be appreciated.