All ready for GAREC 2013
Inviato: 14 maggio 2013, 9:37
Written by G0DUB for VK3PC
Tuesday, 14 May 2013 00:30
The Global Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Conference (GAREC) is on June 25-27 in Zurich, Switzerland, timed to precede HAM RADIO, Europe's largest Amateur Radio gathering in Friedrichshafen, Germany on June 28-30.
The GAREC 2013 is part of Switzerland's Convention of Amateur Radio Emergency Communication.
Held annually since 2005 GAREC it is an opportunity for emergency communicators to discuss recent events, technical solutions to problems and how to find cooperation with professional partners.
While GAREC 2013 will primarily focus on Amateur Radio emergency communication in Europe, all radio amateurs who are interested in providing public service via Amateur Radio are invited.
The topics include the relevance of Amateur Radio Emergency Communication in the First World and the HAMNET high speed data network, presentations from the IARU regions plus those with recent disaster relief communications operations.
Registration is due by May 20. Those attending HAM RADIO after GAREC, transportation to Friedrichshafen will be provided for a fee. For more information visit the GAREC 2013 website
Tuesday, 14 May 2013 00:30
The Global Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Conference (GAREC) is on June 25-27 in Zurich, Switzerland, timed to precede HAM RADIO, Europe's largest Amateur Radio gathering in Friedrichshafen, Germany on June 28-30.
The GAREC 2013 is part of Switzerland's Convention of Amateur Radio Emergency Communication.
Held annually since 2005 GAREC it is an opportunity for emergency communicators to discuss recent events, technical solutions to problems and how to find cooperation with professional partners.
While GAREC 2013 will primarily focus on Amateur Radio emergency communication in Europe, all radio amateurs who are interested in providing public service via Amateur Radio are invited.
The topics include the relevance of Amateur Radio Emergency Communication in the First World and the HAMNET high speed data network, presentations from the IARU regions plus those with recent disaster relief communications operations.
Registration is due by May 20. Those attending HAM RADIO after GAREC, transportation to Friedrichshafen will be provided for a fee. For more information visit the GAREC 2013 website