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Another Typhoon threatens the Philippines

MessaggioInviato: 22 luglio 2014, 5:36
Written by G0DUB for VK3PC
Monday, 21 July 2014 09:24

Typhoon Matmo (Henry locally) is centred east of the Philippines and expected to continue to intensify over the next few days to threaten Taiwan, China and south-west islands of Japan.

Philippines Amateur Radio Association Chief Operating Officer, Thelma Pascua DU1IVT said the typhoon comes less than a week after Typhoon Rammasun and immediately follows a DU-Simulated Emergency Test.

Thelma DU1IVT said: “I have again requested our National Traffic System Chairman, Jojo Vicencio to activate the Ham Emergency Radio Operation (HERO) network on 7095 kHz.