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GAREC 2014 next month in Alabama USA

MessaggioInviato: 22 luglio 2014, 5:37
Written by G0DUB
Monday, 21 July 2014 09:28

The ARRL Alabama Section and the Huntsville Hamfest Association are proud to announce that the 2014 Global Amateur Radio Emergency Communications (GAREC) Conference will return to Huntsville, Alabama August 14-15, next month! The conference will be held in connection with the 2014 ARRL Southeastern Division Convention/Annual Huntsville Hamfest. The Huntsville Hamfest will be held on Saturday, August 16 and Sunday, August 17, at the Von Braun Convention Center in Huntsville.

The conference will focus on the application of advanced technologies in emergency communications. All interested Amateur Radio operators and professionals are invited to attend.

In 2005, the first Global Amateur Radio Emergency Communications (GAREC) Conference was organized on the initiative of Seppo Sisatto, OH1VR in Tampere, Finland. Following the success of this event and the increased interest in international and regional cooperation on emergency communications, GAREC conferences established themselves as annual events.

For each conference, an organizing committee works together with a local host, and International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) representatives participate in the event. In its 2009 meeting in Christchurch, New Zealand, the IARU Administrative Council defined the relationship between GAREC and IARU by adopting the following recommendations contained in the Statement of the GAREC-2009 Conference: "GAREC 2009 recommends that GAREC conferences should continue to be held in locations throughout the world to the extent possible and should maintain the character of GAREC as an informal meeting among representatives of IARU member societies and of Amateur Radio emergency communications groups within or outside of the respective National IARU Member Society, serving as a forum for the exchange of experience and as an advisory body for the work on emergency communications of the IARU."

Source - ARRL ARES E-Letter