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Emergency Communications Activities at Friedrichshafen 2016

MessaggioInviato: 3 maggio 2016, 9:40
Monday, 02 May 2016 20:38
Written by Greg Mossop

24-26 June beings the largest gathering of Radio Amateurs in Europe and also the largest gathering of Emergency Communicators at HAMRADIO 2016 in Friedrichshafen. IARU Region 1 will be hosting a meeting for Radio Amateurs interested in Emergency Communications in Room Rom on Friday 24th June between 1200-1500 local time with the following preliminary programme ( times may change ).

1200-1245 Reports from the IARU regional Emergency Communications Co-Ordinators
1245-1345 Open forum for National Co-Ordinators to report on activities in their countries.
1345-1415 GlobalSET Report and ideas for this year
1415-1445 Open forum on changes to the IARU Emergency Message Procedure
1445-1500 Close and discuss Friedrichshafen next year.

The Working language for this meeting will be English.

On 25th June between 1000-1400 the DARC will be holding their fourth 'Notfunk Universitaet' in Room London. This 'University' will cover a wide range of topics including Crisis Preparedness in Lucerne, Emergency Communications Scenarios and the structure of the THW Short Wave network in Bavaria.

The working language for the Notfunk Universitaet will be German and more information will be available from DARC shortly.