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Emergency Comms activities at Friedrichshafen 2016

MessaggioInviato: 5 luglio 2016, 17:26
Monday, 04 July 2016 22:21
Written by Greg Mossop

The 41st HamRadio Exhibition at Friedrichshafen was also the venue for two meetings for Emergency Communicators which were well received.

On Friday 24th June, the first IARU Region 1 Emergency Communications meeting was held in the English language with an average 20 attendees from 10 countries covering a wide range of topics from reports from other regions, proposals to change the IARU Emergency Message procedure and information on the Emergency Communications Groups in Germany, Poland and Slovenia. The presentations are available on the following links;

Region 1 Report, Message Procedure proposals, GlobalSET 2015 - what next?. SP Emcom , DARC Emergency Communications, EmComm in S5 and Ice Sleet Intervention

On Saturday the 4th DARC Notfunk Universitaet took place with many presentations on skills and techniques in the German language. A report and some of the presentations are available at;

Planning starts now for Emergency Comms activities at the next Ham Radio on July 14-16 2017.