Exercise in Malaysia 1st October
Inviato: 1 ottobre 2016, 22:50
Friday, 30 September 2016 19:50
Written by Greg Mossop
The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) requested for an amateur radio emergency communications exercise to be held on October 1, 2016 centred on Sibu, Sarawak in East Malaysia.
IARU member society, Malaysian Amateur Radio Transmitters' Society (MARTS) and the Amateur Radio Club Sarawak (ARCS), will jointly run the exercise with participation from Telecommunication companies and the Malaysian Civil Defense.
Since the Indonesian Amateur Radio Society is using the COA frequency of 7.110 Mhz for their current emergency communications. Subject to no QRM being caused, the exercise will use 7.125 MHz (All Modes ± 5 KHz) , using near vertical incidence skywave propagation and with emphasis on the PSK31 digital mode.
The exercise is to test the effectiveness of MARTS and ARCS in setting up both local and East to West Malaysia communications to give the authorities a better understanding of our amateur radio message handling capabilities with accuracy and speed, the IARU message format will be used, as it would in a real life event.
The MCMC Chairman from Kuala Lumpur will witness and take part in this exercise. MARTS requests that the frequency of 7.125 MHz be kept clear for the exercise on Saturday, October 1, 2016.
CoA frequencies are as below :
Emergency CoA frequency 3.600 MHz ( All Modes ± 5 KHz )
Emergency frequency 7.125 MHz ( All Modes ± 5 KHz )
Emergency CoA frequency 14.300 MHz ( All Modes ± 5 KHz )
Emergency CoA frequency 18.160 MHz ( All Modes ± 5 KHz )
Emergency CoA frequency 21.360 MHz ( All Modes ± 5 KHz )"
( Information from Johnny Tan 9M8DB )
Written by Greg Mossop
The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) requested for an amateur radio emergency communications exercise to be held on October 1, 2016 centred on Sibu, Sarawak in East Malaysia.
IARU member society, Malaysian Amateur Radio Transmitters' Society (MARTS) and the Amateur Radio Club Sarawak (ARCS), will jointly run the exercise with participation from Telecommunication companies and the Malaysian Civil Defense.
Since the Indonesian Amateur Radio Society is using the COA frequency of 7.110 Mhz for their current emergency communications. Subject to no QRM being caused, the exercise will use 7.125 MHz (All Modes ± 5 KHz) , using near vertical incidence skywave propagation and with emphasis on the PSK31 digital mode.
The exercise is to test the effectiveness of MARTS and ARCS in setting up both local and East to West Malaysia communications to give the authorities a better understanding of our amateur radio message handling capabilities with accuracy and speed, the IARU message format will be used, as it would in a real life event.
The MCMC Chairman from Kuala Lumpur will witness and take part in this exercise. MARTS requests that the frequency of 7.125 MHz be kept clear for the exercise on Saturday, October 1, 2016.
CoA frequencies are as below :
Emergency CoA frequency 3.600 MHz ( All Modes ± 5 KHz )
Emergency frequency 7.125 MHz ( All Modes ± 5 KHz )
Emergency CoA frequency 14.300 MHz ( All Modes ± 5 KHz )
Emergency CoA frequency 18.160 MHz ( All Modes ± 5 KHz )
Emergency CoA frequency 21.360 MHz ( All Modes ± 5 KHz )"
( Information from Johnny Tan 9M8DB )