Earthquake Indonesia
6,4 ASR earthquake occured 18km North East Kab Pidiejaya Aceh 6 December 2016 22.03 UTC.
Budi, YE1AR inform that 94 death and many missing in ruin buildings.
Radio Amateur Assosiation of Indonesia ORARI using frequency 7110 for emergency network.
Please keep this freq clear.
Information from Imam, YB4IR:
BANDA ACEH-Quake which struck Aceh 6.4 SR. on Wednesday (7/12/2016) dawn at 05 PM have caused severe damage in the Pidie Jaya (Pijay) which is the area of the epicenter with a depth of 10 Km.
Budi, YE1AR inform that 94 death and many missing in ruin buildings.
Radio Amateur Assosiation of Indonesia ORARI using frequency 7110 for emergency network.
Please keep this freq clear.
Information from Imam, YB4IR:
BANDA ACEH-Quake which struck Aceh 6.4 SR. on Wednesday (7/12/2016) dawn at 05 PM have caused severe damage in the Pidie Jaya (Pijay) which is the area of the epicenter with a depth of 10 Km.