Emergency Communications Activities at Friedrichshafen 2017
Inviato: 6 luglio 2017, 22:10
Tuesday, 04 July 2017 20:08
Written by Greg Mossop
14-16 July beings the largest gathering of Radio Amateurs in Europe and also the largest gathering of Emergency Communicators at HAMRADIO 2017 in Friedrichshafen. IARU Region 1 will be hosting a meeting for Radio Amateurs interested in Emergency Communications in Room Rom on Friday 14th July between 1200-1600 local time with the following preliminary programme ( times may change ).
1200-1230 Reports from the IARU Region 1 Emergency Communications Co-Ordinator
1230-1330 Open forum for National Co-Ordinators to report on activities in their countries.
1330-1400 Italian Earthquake response 2016 - Alberto IK1YLO
1400-1445 RAYNET-UK - What Technology should we use for emergency communication?
1445-1515 Discussion- What is an emergency and when should we activate?
1515-1545 Discussion - How can we have an international network?
1545-1600 Close and discuss Friedrichshafen 2018
The Working language for this meeting will be English.
On 15th July between 1100-1600 the DARC will be holding their fifth 'Notfunk Universitaet' in Room London covering a wide range of topics.
The working language for the Notfunk Universitaet will be German and more information will be available from DARC shortly.
Written by Greg Mossop
14-16 July beings the largest gathering of Radio Amateurs in Europe and also the largest gathering of Emergency Communicators at HAMRADIO 2017 in Friedrichshafen. IARU Region 1 will be hosting a meeting for Radio Amateurs interested in Emergency Communications in Room Rom on Friday 14th July between 1200-1600 local time with the following preliminary programme ( times may change ).
1200-1230 Reports from the IARU Region 1 Emergency Communications Co-Ordinator
1230-1330 Open forum for National Co-Ordinators to report on activities in their countries.
1330-1400 Italian Earthquake response 2016 - Alberto IK1YLO
1400-1445 RAYNET-UK - What Technology should we use for emergency communication?
1445-1515 Discussion- What is an emergency and when should we activate?
1515-1545 Discussion - How can we have an international network?
1545-1600 Close and discuss Friedrichshafen 2018
The Working language for this meeting will be English.
On 15th July between 1100-1600 the DARC will be holding their fifth 'Notfunk Universitaet' in Room London covering a wide range of topics.
The working language for the Notfunk Universitaet will be German and more information will be available from DARC shortly.