Emergency Communications Meeting - Friedrichshafen 2018
Inviato: 13 luglio 2018, 20:04
Sunday, 08 July 2018 15:15
Written by Greg Mossop
The 43rd HamRadio Exhibition at Friedrichshafen attracted 15460 visitors, among them around 20 Emergency Communicators who attended the IARU meeting for Emergency Communicators on Friday 1st June.
After the introduction and Region 1 report, there were interesting presentations followed by a good exchange of information in an Open Forum session which carried on beyond the official closing time of the meeting.
Michal SP9XWM and Chris SP7WME presented on emergency activities in Poland followed by Herbert OE3KJN talking about their activities in 'Exercise Solar Flare' where there was good co-operation between Radio Amateurs, the military and service providers. Finally Alberto IK1YLO and Marco IU1GJE spoke about the internet linked DMR network they were working on for disaster use.
The presentations are available on the following links;
Region 1 Emergency Co-Ordinators Report , SP-EMCOM , Exercise Solar Flare ( Austria ) , RNRE DMR Network proposals .
( Content is the opinion of the presenters )
The next Ham Radio on the Bodensee is on June 21-23 2019 and will include another emergency comms meeting.
Written by Greg Mossop
The 43rd HamRadio Exhibition at Friedrichshafen attracted 15460 visitors, among them around 20 Emergency Communicators who attended the IARU meeting for Emergency Communicators on Friday 1st June.
After the introduction and Region 1 report, there were interesting presentations followed by a good exchange of information in an Open Forum session which carried on beyond the official closing time of the meeting.
Michal SP9XWM and Chris SP7WME presented on emergency activities in Poland followed by Herbert OE3KJN talking about their activities in 'Exercise Solar Flare' where there was good co-operation between Radio Amateurs, the military and service providers. Finally Alberto IK1YLO and Marco IU1GJE spoke about the internet linked DMR network they were working on for disaster use.
The presentations are available on the following links;
Region 1 Emergency Co-Ordinators Report , SP-EMCOM , Exercise Solar Flare ( Austria ) , RNRE DMR Network proposals .
( Content is the opinion of the presenters )
The next Ham Radio on the Bodensee is on June 21-23 2019 and will include another emergency comms meeting.