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Hawaii Hurricane 'Lane' and event updates

MessaggioInviato: 25 agosto 2018, 14:08
Friday, 24 August 2018 17:04
Written by Greg Mossop

Hurricane 'Lane' is affecting Hawaii with heavy rainfall of nearly 1 meter forecast along with high tides caused by the storm surge. Combined, these effects are already causing significant flooding in the area. The following frequencies have been advised in use so far;
7080kHz - National Weather Service, Honolulu
7088kHz - Hawaii ARES
14.265MHz - SATERN ( Salvation Army Emergency Radio Network )
Together with other frequencies being used for Winlink formal message handling.

As this event starts, Karl YV5YA reports that activities in Venezuela on 7088kHz are coming to a close. The earthquake in the country caused the expected problems of cellular communication and power system failures but their networks worked well on HF and VHF including Echolink.

Finally in India, Jayu VU2JAU reports that activities in the Kerala region are now moving from rescue to recovery. Over 150 radio amateurs have been involved in 24/7 operations since the flooding began in that area with one team reporting over 8000 messages handled. It was reported that good use was made of social media channels in passing messages to families and taking details of missing persons for the authorities.
The remaining operations are focusing on reuniting friends and family who have been separated between evacuation centres and passing any other information required to the authorities.

Please help emergency communicators by keeping the frequencies in use QRM free.