Emergency Communications Meeting - Friedrichshafen 2019
Inviato: 15 ottobre 2019, 16:11
Tuesday, 15 October 2019 04:38
Written by Greg Mossop
The 44th HamRadio Exhibition at Friedrichshafen attracted 14300 visitors, among them around 27 Emergency Communicators from 14 countries who attended the IARU meeting for Emergency Communicators on Friday 21st June.
After the introduction and Region 1 report, there were interesting presentations followed by a good exchange of information in an Open Forum session which carried on beyond the official closing time of the meeting.
Mike SP9XWM and Cris SP7WME spoke about the use of new technology in exercises in Poland. There was then an Open Discussion on what use we could make of Satellites and other new modes for Emergency Communications. Discussing Low Earth Orbit as well as Geostationary satellites, HF conditions and weak signal message modes ( e.g. JS8call ).
Alberto IK1YLO spoke about the NEIFLEX ( North East Italian Flood Exercise ) European Exercise of 5/9 June 2018 followed by an update on their national DMR project. Ron 4X1IG presented on how emergency communications as being grown in Israel by using a ‘Contest as a drill’.
Oliver DL7TNY provided an introduction to AREDN data networks which got many attendees to look at the networks in practice on the DARCstand in the main hall.
An Open Forum was then followed by a short exercise on how we may respond to a power grid failure.
The presentations where possible are available at the bottom of this page with the content being the opinion of the presenters.
The next Ham Radio on the Bodensee is on June 26 – 28 2020 and will include another emergency comms meeting.
Written by Greg Mossop
The 44th HamRadio Exhibition at Friedrichshafen attracted 14300 visitors, among them around 27 Emergency Communicators from 14 countries who attended the IARU meeting for Emergency Communicators on Friday 21st June.
After the introduction and Region 1 report, there were interesting presentations followed by a good exchange of information in an Open Forum session which carried on beyond the official closing time of the meeting.
Mike SP9XWM and Cris SP7WME spoke about the use of new technology in exercises in Poland. There was then an Open Discussion on what use we could make of Satellites and other new modes for Emergency Communications. Discussing Low Earth Orbit as well as Geostationary satellites, HF conditions and weak signal message modes ( e.g. JS8call ).
Alberto IK1YLO spoke about the NEIFLEX ( North East Italian Flood Exercise ) European Exercise of 5/9 June 2018 followed by an update on their national DMR project. Ron 4X1IG presented on how emergency communications as being grown in Israel by using a ‘Contest as a drill’.
Oliver DL7TNY provided an introduction to AREDN data networks which got many attendees to look at the networks in practice on the DARCstand in the main hall.
An Open Forum was then followed by a short exercise on how we may respond to a power grid failure.
The presentations where possible are available at the bottom of this page with the content being the opinion of the presenters.
The next Ham Radio on the Bodensee is on June 26 – 28 2020 and will include another emergency comms meeting.