Haiti: Cità © aux Cayes students back to school
Inviato: 10 marzo 2010, 16:27
Haiti: Citè aux Cayes students back to school
Students of 'piccole sorelle del Vangelo' school '“ the school in the area of Citè aux Cayes in Port au Prince - can sit in their classrooms again.
The institute resumed all didactic activities on Monday, 8 March, tank to 3 tents set up in the front yard of the school, which collapsed following the quake of January 12.
The front yard was clear of all debris thanks to the National Fire Department, the Genio and the Navy.
The Italian team in Haiti, made up by both civil and military personnel, contributed to resuming the didactic activities with the debris removal and safety requirements checks, but also with the distribution and the tents set up.
Total figures are 59 tents set up for school usage, able to welcome 30 pupils each.
Classes are held daily in two shifts, so to guarantee the didactic activities for more than 3,000 pupils
Tents were distributed by the Italian team as follows:
Le tende sono state così distribuite dal team italiano per la ripresa delle lezioni in 7 Istituti scolastici:
- Scuola San Luigi Gonzaga '“ 31
- Istituto delle Suore Salesiane di Don Bosco '“ 3
- Scuola comunale di Delmas '“ 3
- Scuola salesiani Don Bosco di Tabarre '“ 7
- Scuola delle piccole sorelle del Vangelo '“ 3
- Scuola professionale dei gesuiti '“ 10
- Scuola Md Claude pour la Culture, la Paix et le Developpement '“ 2
The activity of shelter areas setting up in Haiti '“ 731 tents for more than 9,000 people '“ came to an end during the next few days also thanks to the support of teams of volunteers, now travelling back to Italy.
Survey activities, on the other hand, are still going on: so far, the Fire Deparment and Genio carried out 40 stability checks in Port au Prince schools
Students of 'piccole sorelle del Vangelo' school '“ the school in the area of Citè aux Cayes in Port au Prince - can sit in their classrooms again.
The institute resumed all didactic activities on Monday, 8 March, tank to 3 tents set up in the front yard of the school, which collapsed following the quake of January 12.
The front yard was clear of all debris thanks to the National Fire Department, the Genio and the Navy.
The Italian team in Haiti, made up by both civil and military personnel, contributed to resuming the didactic activities with the debris removal and safety requirements checks, but also with the distribution and the tents set up.
Total figures are 59 tents set up for school usage, able to welcome 30 pupils each.
Classes are held daily in two shifts, so to guarantee the didactic activities for more than 3,000 pupils
Tents were distributed by the Italian team as follows:
Le tende sono state così distribuite dal team italiano per la ripresa delle lezioni in 7 Istituti scolastici:
- Scuola San Luigi Gonzaga '“ 31
- Istituto delle Suore Salesiane di Don Bosco '“ 3
- Scuola comunale di Delmas '“ 3
- Scuola salesiani Don Bosco di Tabarre '“ 7
- Scuola delle piccole sorelle del Vangelo '“ 3
- Scuola professionale dei gesuiti '“ 10
- Scuola Md Claude pour la Culture, la Paix et le Developpement '“ 2
The activity of shelter areas setting up in Haiti '“ 731 tents for more than 9,000 people '“ came to an end during the next few days also thanks to the support of teams of volunteers, now travelling back to Italy.
Survey activities, on the other hand, are still going on: so far, the Fire Deparment and Genio carried out 40 stability checks in Port au Prince schools