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Comunicato: Qinghai province earthquake report 2

MessaggioInviato: 21 aprile 2010, 22:40
The official toll following the 7.1 magnitude earthquake in Qinghai province in north west China as at 10am local time 18 April is 1706 deaths and 12,128 people injured. Local authorities estimate that up to 90 percent of buildings collapsed.
The Chinese Radio Sports Association (CRSA) reports that amateur radio rescue teams from An Hui, Qinghai, Beijing, Shandong, Jiangsu, Sichuan provinces have joined the disaster mitigation efforts.
The rescue and recovery efforts following the quake that occurred on 14 April are difficult in the area which is a mountainous plateau more than 4,000 metres above sea level that experiences with very low overnight temperatures.
The amateur radio teams have set up VHF and UHF repeaters to provide quick support communications, 7050kHz and 7060kHz are their main HF QRGs, and sometimes 14270kHz in 20 meter band has been used.
The CRSA is borrowing from its experiences gained in the Great Sichuan earthquake of two years ago. To a avoid traffic jam travelling to the earthquake centre area, the ham radio and other support teams are following the instructions set by the government.
While commercial communications recovered on 15 April in six counties of Yushu district, emergency amateur radio communications teams are continuing to assist the disaster mitigation.
The CRSA thanks those IARU member societies such KARL, JARL, MARTS and HARTS and others who have given their support by translating Qinghai earthquake reports for their local websites and for all in helping keep the emergency frequencies clear.
(Report provided by Fan Bin BA1RB, CRSA Coordinator IARU Region 3. Disaster Communications Conmmittee and Chairman Jim Linton VK3PC)
