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Italy - Bulgaria: signature of a Civil Protection agreement

MessaggioInviato: 22 settembre 2010, 18:48
Italy - Bulgaria: signature of a Civil Protection agreement

The Civil Protection collaboration between Italy and Bulgaria was reinforced.
Today, 15 September, Guido Bertolaso, Head of the Italian Civil Protection Department, and Tsvetan Tsvetanov, the Bulgarian Minister of Internal Affairs and responsible for the Bulgarian Civil Protection, signed a Memorandum of Understanding.

The agreement disposes cooperation activities in the fields of forecast, prevention and management of natural and man-made disasters, mutual assistance, training programmes, exchange of technical -scientific information and of experts.

During Russia's fire emergency this summer, Bulgaria took part, along with the team sent by the Italian Civil Protection, to the fire-fighting operations. It participates, in fact, in the European Civil Protection Mechanism, the EU strategy to respond to emergencies.
