Messaggio 4 febbraio 2014, 8:07

World Radio Day 2014



UN and UNESCO promote the World Radio Day

World Radio Day 2013 - Message from UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon

World Radio Day 2013 - Message from Director General of UNESCO, Irina Bokova


The World Radio Day seeks raise awareness about the importance of radio, facilitate access to information through radio and enhance networking among broadcasters.
Radio has to be recognized as a low cost medium, specifically suited to reach remote communities and vulnerable people: the illiterate, the disabled, women, youth and the poor, while offering a platform to intervene in the public debate, irrespective of people’s educational level. Furthermore, radio has a strong and specific role in emergency communication and disaster relief. There is also a changing face to radio services which, in the present times of media convergence, are taking up new technological forms, such as broadband, mobiles and tablets. However, it is said that up to a billion people still do not have access to radio today.


On November 3, 2011, the 36th General Conference of UNESCO approved the creation of the World Day of Radio. The initial idea came from the Spanish Academy of Radio four years ago, therefore, the Permanent Delegation of Spain to UNESCO formally present the proposal at the session 187 of UNESCO's Executive Board in September 2011.

Resolution of the General Conference of the UNESCO
- 36th Session, Paris 2011-

The General Conference,

1. Having considered document 36 C/63 and the Executive Board’s decision 187 EX/Decision 13,

2. Welcoming the results of the feasibility study presented by the Director-General on the proclamation of a World Radio Day,

3. Mindful that the celebration of a World Radio Day will raise greater awareness among the public and the media of the importance of radio as well as enhance networking and international cooperation among broadcasters,

4. Convinced that this event will encourage decision-makers to establish and provide access to information through radio where still necessary, including community radio,

5. Proclaims 13 February as World Radio Day;

6. Calls upon the Member States of UNESCO to celebrate the Day with activities at both local and national levels, with the participation of National Commissions, NGOs, the general public as well as diverse institutions (schools, universities, municipalities, cities, broadcasters, the press, professional associations and unions, museums, cultural
organizations and so forth);

7. Invites the national, regional and international broadcasting organizations and unions, as well as the media at large, to ensure the successful observance of the World Radio Day by devoting it as appropriate to educational, cultural and public-awareness activities;

8. Invites the Director-General to encourage all national, regional and international initiatives taken in this respect;

9. Requests the Director-General to submit the present resolution to the General Assembly of the United Nations, at its 67th session (September 2012), for endorsement.

IK0ZCW Alberto Devitofrancesco Presidente C.I.S.A.R. sezione di Roma IQ0HB - -



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