E30FB Eritrea QRT
The DXpedition to Eritrea went QRT at 09.00 UTC on 17 March. Club Log's statistics show 62665 QSOs (CW 33305, SSB 26574, RTTY 2786)."Murphy was a constant companion on this DXpedition and impacted our antennas and computers", the team says. "We beat Murphy back each time with skill and determination. You will be surprised to know that almost all CW was sent by hand keys". QSL via M0URX. Donations to help offset the very
high air cargo costs are gratefully accepted, and can be sent via PayPal to jh1ajt[@]fgc.or.jp.
high air cargo costs are gratefully accepted, and can be sent via PayPal to jh1ajt[@]fgc.or.jp.